February 4, 2015

We Don't Know

We Don't Know

They talked it over among themselves. “IF WE SAY… He will ask… BUT IF WE SAY… we’ll be mobbed… SO THEY FINALLY REPLIED, “WE DON’T KNOW.” - Matt 21:24-27

When I read this I thought to myself: I don’t want to live life like that! I know I may have replied just like these leading priests and elders… because it felt safest to say “I don’t know.” But how imprisoning that is… always trying to say what I think others expect me to say… trying to have the “right” opinion… or not daring to take a stand for anything …

No, I want to live according to the Truth that is in my heart. I want to speak according to my convictions. From the inside out. We are blessed and we are a blessing. We may speak in His authority. His words in our mouths bring healing, clarity, liberty, peace, love... Amen

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