January 30, 2015

It Is Not IF, but WHEN

It Is Not IF, but WHEN

When you know that Jesus is the Beginning and the End, the Alfa and the Omega, you surely do rest. He sees the end from the beginning. And the beginning from the end

If God has whispered in your heart about something, or planted a God-dream in you, I'd like to declare to you, Be at rest. He is the beginning and the end. What I mean by that? You see: 

God said to Moses in Exodus 3:

God said to Moses: WHEN YOU HAVE BROUGHT the people out, then... 
But Moses protested: IF I GO to the people of Israel, then -

This means God sees Moses ALREADY having led the people out! 
He sees the end from the beginning! 
But Moses sees only difficulties and challenges to even GET STARTED...

I'd like to encourage you: When God has spoken, it is a DONE deal. 
Its not IF, but WHEN.

To illustrate:

It’s not: IF we are going for holiday, then...
It is more: WHEN we are going for holiday, then...

It is most: WHEN WE HAVE BEEN on our holiday, then...

Rescued FROM and Rescued TO

Rescued FROM and Rescued TO

"I have promised to rescue you FROM your oppression in Egypt. 
I will lead you TO a land flowing with milk and honey." 
Ex 3:17 NLT

January 28, 2015

Actively Receiving

Actively Receiving

“… GO down to the lake and THROW in a line. 
OPEN the mouth of the first fish you CATCH, 
and you will FIND a large silver coin. 
TAKE it and pay the tax for both of us.” Matt 17:27 NLT

His heart is for us to reach out and TAKE, actively RECEIVE and ENJOY what He has already provided through the finished work on the cross.

It's Personal

It's Personal

"I love You, Lord;
You are MY Strength. 
The Lord is MY Rock,
MY Fortress, and MY Savior; 
MY God is MY Rock,
in Whom I find Protection. 
He is MY Shield,
the Power that saves me, 
And MY Place of Safety."
Psalm 18:1-2 NLT

I am Yours. You are mine. 
I see myself IN MY ROCK. In MY Christ. 

Forever in The Fortress of His love.

January 27, 2015

The Secret To Answered Prayers

The Secret To Answered Prayers

Such blessed assurance. 

Let’s open our hearts to Daddy God today and involve Him in whatever is happening in our lives. He is abundant Supply to us always.

Listen to this: 

"In Jesus we hear a resounding “YES” to ALL of God’s MANY promises. 
This is the reason we say “AMEN” to and through Jesus when giving glory to God." 
2 Cor 1:20 VOICE

Our answered prayer is NOT based on: Am I pleasing to God? 
It is based on: Is Christ pleasing to God?

Our answered prayer is NOT based on what we have done or not done. 
It is based on what HE HAS DONE and completed at the cross.

We may undeservingly receive what He deserves today.

January 24, 2015

Speaking To Me In My Sleep

Speaking To Me In My Sleep

Psalm 16:7 NLT 

It's refreshing to wake up in the morning 
being conscious of what He has spoken to me in my sleep.

I guess this is where "sleep over it" comes from? :) 
When we are rested and still, we are in the receiving mode. 
He always guides us. He is always Wisdom to us.

Prosper In Times Of Famine

Prosper In Times Of Famine

“So with SEVERE FAMINE EVERYWHERE, Joseph opened up the STOREHOUSES and distributed grain to the Egyptians…and people from all around came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph because the famine was severe throughout the world.” Gen 41:56-57

I love how God revealed to Joseph what would happen in the future, so that they could RESPOND and PREPARE and not suffer lack during the famine. - God reveals future incidents to us too, so that we can pray and be part of the solution.

Most of all I love how this reveals Jesus as our Heavenly Joseph. He has been put in charge. The work is completed, all we need is stored in Him. “COME, receive freely and abundantly," He says.

I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. John 6:35

January 21, 2015

But I Trust In Your Unfailing Love

But I Trust In Your Unfailing Love

Such assuring and settling words to end any statement of ours... Like:

I feel confused/worried/scared/rejected/unqualified etc, 

What's In A Name?

What's In A Name?

Rachel was about to die while giving birth, but with her last breath she named the baby Ben-oni - which means “SON OF MY SORROW”. 

The baby’s father, however, called him Benjamin - which means “SON OF MY RIGHT HAND”. (Gen 35:17-18 NLT)

Wow, through these two names, we see Jesus on the cross.

Isaiah 53
v1: "To whom has the Lord revealed His Powerful Arm?" (= HIS RIGHT HAND, Jesus)

v3-5: He was despised and rejected - A MAN OF SORROWS, acquainted with deepest grief… He was pierced for OUR rebellion, crushed for OUR sins. He was beaten so WE could be WHOLE. He was whipped so WE could be HEALED.

January 14, 2015

Like Sheep Without A Shepherd

Like Sheep Without A Shepherd

"Jesus TRAVELED through ALL the the towns and villages of that area, 
about the Kingdom. And He HEALED every kind of disease and illness.
When He SAW the crowds, He had COMPASSION on them because they 
were confused and helpless, like sheep without a Shepherd.” 
- Matt 9:35-36 NKJV

Oh, His heart for people! 
Oh, His heart for you and me - right now. 
Every ONE matters. 
He wants every ONE everywhere to hear and receive the good news about Himself.

He wants every ONE healed. 
He wants to shepherd - love, feed, guide, protect, heal - every ONE.

January 13, 2015

Crossing The Lake

Crossing The Lake

"...He instructed the disciples to cross to the other side of the lake." - Matthew 8:18 NLT

What's so important at the other side of the lake? 
Demon possessed men.

Jesus crossed the lake through a fierce storm just to meet with them and set them free! 
Then He crossed the lake to go back. 

Amazing love. 

He singled you and me out, too! 
He came to earth, endured the cross, and was raised to life - so that we may have His Life and be one with Him! He drew near to us, so we may draw near to Him in His love for us.

January 9, 2015

Like A Bird

Like A Bird


“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?" Matthew 6:25-26 NLT

Birds are so carefree and happy. They just wake up in the mornings “singing” happy songs. They fly around. Then they eat an ant here and a mosquito there. Some crumbs here and left-overs there. Everything they need is already there and they may take as much as they want at all times!

HOW MUCH MORE us, His beloved children. 

Everything we need is in the Person of Jesus. He gave us Himself. And we may freely come to Him and take as much as we want. He loves that.

January 6, 2015


I'm reading about Noah and the ark. 

"Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat." Genesis 8:4 NKJV

And as I continue reading: 

The boat came to rest on the mountains of Ararat 
---> 2 ½ months later, as the waters continued to go down 
---> After another 40 days 
----> After waiting another 7 days 
---> He waited another 7 days 
---> 2 more months went by 
---> At last the earth was dry!

Noah (which means 'Rest') was right where he was supposed to be
Yet there was such a long wait involved! 

Are you waiting, too?

'The wait' is like 'sit still and see Him work.' 

We might as well enjoy the wait, enjoy 'the now', 
and start preparing with expectancy for what we know lies ahead. 

He Who promised is faithful.

January 2, 2015

January 1, 2015

Welcome To My Blog!

I've chosen to call this blog 'A Life Of Dependence'
because dependence is what being a believer is all about:

- Depending on the finished work of Jesus Christ. 
- Depending on Him every day. 
- Spending time in His Presence. 
- Letting Him lead and I follow. 
- Running my race as I keep looking to Him. 

What an adventure! What a life! 


In this blog I'll be sharing:

1. Little snippets of the treasures I find in my daily Bible readings. 
(I follow Bible plans on YouVersion)

2. Inspiring words/thoughts/quotes from devotionals and books I read.

3.  Sermon notes from Sunday services and youth services. 
(I love my church here in Singapore, and I count it a privilege to serve in the youth ministry.)

The Breath and Breadth of the Word

The Breath and Breadth of the Word


The Word of God is the Lord's breath into my life.
When I read and feed, it feels like I can breath again. 

"The words that I speak to you are spirit (breath), and they are life." John 6:63


This year I'll be reading through the whole Bible - reading in context and for breadth. 
I'm following the CCV Bible Plan on YouVersion. 

I'll be sharing little snippets of what I see of Jesus along the way.