January 1, 2015

Welcome To My Blog!

I've chosen to call this blog 'A Life Of Dependence'
because dependence is what being a believer is all about:

- Depending on the finished work of Jesus Christ. 
- Depending on Him every day. 
- Spending time in His Presence. 
- Letting Him lead and I follow. 
- Running my race as I keep looking to Him. 

What an adventure! What a life! 


In this blog I'll be sharing:

1. Little snippets of the treasures I find in my daily Bible readings. 
(I follow Bible plans on YouVersion)

2. Inspiring words/thoughts/quotes from devotionals and books I read.

3.  Sermon notes from Sunday services and youth services. 
(I love my church here in Singapore, and I count it a privilege to serve in the youth ministry.)

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