January 27, 2015

The Secret To Answered Prayers

The Secret To Answered Prayers

Such blessed assurance. 

Let’s open our hearts to Daddy God today and involve Him in whatever is happening in our lives. He is abundant Supply to us always.

Listen to this: 

"In Jesus we hear a resounding “YES” to ALL of God’s MANY promises. 
This is the reason we say “AMEN” to and through Jesus when giving glory to God." 
2 Cor 1:20 VOICE

Our answered prayer is NOT based on: Am I pleasing to God? 
It is based on: Is Christ pleasing to God?

Our answered prayer is NOT based on what we have done or not done. 
It is based on what HE HAS DONE and completed at the cross.

We may undeservingly receive what He deserves today.

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